Master Copies with Cody Sullivan (Advanced)

Sunday, Sep 29, 2024 @ 12:00 PM EDT • $75.00

Master Copies | For centuries in the study of fine art, students have gone to museums to spend hours copying from the old masters. Why? Because there is much to learn by intricate study of how a master of a craft created their work. You learn by doing, by working through the practical problems the artist had, to recreate tone, color, form, etc…
This should be no different for improvisation.
In this series of workshops, we will watch a recording of an improv set from some of the best improvisers, have discussion about what makes the performance incredible, and then workshop in the style of the performers.
The first will be a workshop on WeirDass, the duo of Stephnie Weir and Bob Dassi. Stephnie Weir is best known for her work on Mad TV, but her biggest artistic output is in partnership with her husband in improvisation. The form they created centers around their two characters speaking to an unseen interviewer, then jumping in and out of scene work, in thematic relation to the interview.  

Prerequisite | Some improv experience and comfortable with scene work

Tuition | $75

Location |593 Somerville Ave, Somerville MA 02143

Instructor Bio | Cody Sullivan was trained at Improv Boston in 2012 and was a house performer at the iO Theater in Chicago from 2015 to 2019. While in Chicago he was a contributing writer for Cards Against Humanity and now splits his time between Boston and Provincetown where he writes weekly plays and improvises.  

Union Comedy School offers 4 levels of classes focused on long-form improv, plus a variety of unique advanced workshops. There is a place for all students from beginner to advanced. If you're not sure where to start, just ask us! We love talking improv.


593 Somerville Ave, Somerville MA 02143

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