Strong Initiations with Steve Kleinedler (Advanced)

Wednesday, Aug 21, 2024 @ 7:00 PM EDT • $45.00

Strong Initiations | In the first moments of a scene, improvisers are issuing a promise to the audience and themselves about the scene that's about to unfold. If you're an improviser who flames out in the middle of scenes, unsure of what to do next or where to take the scene -- if you find yourself throwing out new offers mid-scene, this workshop is for you. Everything you need to know about a scene is at the beginning; everything that follows is predicated by what's come before. Learn how to recognize everything the beginning of a scene has to offer so that you can mine the potential without having to restart a scene every twenty seconds in the hopes of finding something better, funnier, or newer.

Prerequisite | Completion of Union Comedy Level 4 or one year of longform experience

Tuition | $45

Location |Union Comedy Training Center, 620 Massachusetts Ave, Room 3, Cambridge MA 02139

Instructor Bio | Steve Kleinedler has been improvising on and off for the past 40 years and consistently since 2000. Steve has taught improv at ImprovBoston (2003-2011, 2019-2023); at Philly Improv Theater (2011-2018); and at workshops in Baltimore (BIF), Bethlehem, Boston, Chapel Hill (NCCAF), Chicago, Detroit (DIF), Providence (PIF), Philadelphia, Pittsburgh (PCF), San Juan (MATCH), Sarasota, and Wilmington (Tax Free), as well as performing at those festivals and in Austin, Toronto, and Washington DC. They currently coach the Union Comedy Harold team People People and are one-half of the duo Sad Trombone with Ralph Andracchio.

Upcoming Sessions:
Wed August 21 7-9:30pm 

Union Comedy School offers 4 levels of classes focused on long-form improv, plus a variety of unique advanced workshops. There is a place for all students from beginner to advanced. If you're not sure where to start, just ask us! We love talking improv.


Union Comedy Training Center, 620 Massachusetts Ave, Room 3, Cambridge MA 02139

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