Trope Toolbox | The Doppelgang. The Idiot Ball. Techno Babble. You've probably seen all of these in one form or another but didn't know they had a name. These are all tropes - recognizable storytelling devices that function as shorthand ways to connect with the audience. This workshop unpacks some of the specific tropes that commonly appear in movies, tv, theater, and other entertainment and practices how to use them in improv. Good artists copy, great artists steal.
Prerequisite | Completion of Union Comedy Level 4 or one year of longform experience
Tuition | $45
Location | Union Comedy Training Center, 620 Massachusetts Ave, Room 3, Cambridge MA 02139
Instructor Bio | Pat Kearnan has been performing and teaching improv since 2012. You can catch him performing at Union Comedy with The Weekend Show team Neighbors and regularly in The Pickle. He is one of the Founders of Union Comedy.
Upcoming Sessions:
Tue August 27 7-9:30pm | Narrative Devices
Union Comedy School offers 4 levels of classes focused on long-form improv, plus a variety of unique advanced workshops. There is a place for all students from beginner to advanced. If you're not sure where to start, just ask us! We love talking improv.